LISACON2020 Inaugural Function

LISACON 2020 Technical Sessions
LISACON2020 Valedictory Function

Updated: Sep 21, 2020
Updated: Aug 30, 2020
The LIS Academy has been established with the following main objectives:
Supporting Libraries in implementing Technology;
Supporting Librarians in upgrading their skills;
Helping the LIS Students and young Librarians by building technical skills of LIS Profession and;
Support researchers to conduct original research by imparting tools and technics of research among the researchers.
The LIS Academy has conducted following events on skills and techniques of Research:
1. LIS Academy, Bangalore in collaboration with KUVEMPU University organized a two days’
National Seminar on “Toolkit to accelerate Research” on 22 & 23 March 2019 at Conference
Hall KUVEMPU University, Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Shivamogga Dist. Karnataka State.
2. The LIS Academy in collaboration with Chennabasaveswara Institute of Technology, Gubbi
organised a State Level Seminar on “Toolkit to Accelerate Research” on 3-4 May 2019.
3. Training program on Reference Management Tool: Mendeley 4th Jan 2020
The LIS Academy had organised a Trainig Program on Reference Management Tool: Mendeley to a focused group of researchers at LIS Academy, Bangalore on 4th January 2020.